Personal documentary or a documentary disguised as fiction
Seminarangebot für das Sommersemester 2017
Workshop by Carla Subirana. A Workshop in collaboration with members of M-Power, and students of University of the Arts, Berlin
Identity, the act of memorizing, re/construction of personal and collective memory are themes of Carla Subirana's very personal film Nadar, 2008, which will be shown and analysed. Within the workshop, Carla Subirana will refer to the production of the film revealing a secret chapter within her family's history and thereby also give impulses towards the works of the participants.
A special focus is put on fictionalizing and performative strategies when setting own experiences into film. Carla Subirana will also speak about her experiences as a founding member of the catalan woman- cultural network Cima Catalunya (
Funded by Frauenförderung/ Fakultät 2